Black Man Running
Black Man Running (2013-2016)
Lead Artists: Rend Smith & Nick Szuberla
Participating Artists: Carlton Turner, Charlon Sinclair, Imhotep, Techmoja Dance and Theater, Jackie Olive
Organizers: Charlon Sinclair, Martha Foye, Alexander Lepkowski
Funders: MAP Fund, Creative Capital, Alternate Roots, Unitarian Universalist Veatch at Shelter Rock, Nathan Cummings Foundation, David Rockefeller Foundation, Wilmington Arts Council, Network of Ensemble Theaters, and generous donors.
Black Man, Running is a public run (as in a jog or a footrace) that addresses issues of race, public space, safety and democracy. Organized around four years of weekly running groups and three major runs in different U.S. cities, the project acts as a larger performance process of story-gathering and community dialogues. BMR explores the submerged politics of running. Running reveals how we internalize and externalize demography, and how we perceive public space.
Articles, Research, and News about Black Man Running
Beverly Smalls (2015) Black Man Running Embraces Change, StarNews
Gina Gambony (2015) Midday Interview with Gina Gambony, WHQR-NPR
Arielle Julia Brown (2017) Black Public Performance Interventions in Artmaking and Placemaking, Public Art Dialogues
Hilary Snow (2015) Changing the conversation: Local multimedia project addresses stereotypes, social justice, Port City Daily
Black Man Running Project hits Wilmington streets (2015), WECT News
Laura Pellicer, Frank Stasio (2018) Black Man Running Group Race to Change Racial Stereotypes, WUNC / State of Things

Early community engagement video.