Nick Szuberla leading story workshop at the Allied Media Conference. Detroit, Michigan. (2010)
Nick Szuberla
Nick has helped design and lead national public information campaigns on issues ranging from sentencing reform to U.S. energy policy. He began his work at the Highlander Research and Education Center in 1996 and then joined Appalshop, an arts and cultural center in Whitesburg, Kentucky. Not long after, Nick founded Holler to the Hood (a multimedia project exploring urban/rural relationships), Thousand Kites (a national dialogue project addressing the U.S. criminal justice system), and Calls from Home (an interactive radio and organizing project). He has produced award-winning documentary films, radio series, and multimedia productions. He has also trained hundreds of youth and adults to use low-cost media as an organizing tool and has done artist residencies in 38 states. He is a graduate of Antioch College. Nick is the founder of Narrative Arts, a media arts and education center based in North Carolina dedicated to supporting local, regional, and national groups and communities.
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